
notebook.jpg (300×300) Welcome to my Electronic Notebook of Resources for English Language Learners (ELL). I created this site as a pre-service teacher; and, I hope it is a resource that may be valuable to all educators. An educator does not have to be a teacher--an educator may be an administrator, a parent, or even a student. One of my primary goals is to assist students in becoming self sufficient, boldly independent--to become self-educators. After all, one of the greatest lessons I have learned is understanding the methods and styles of learning that suit me best, including how to seek out information and people who possess it. In my search for online resources, I found ten websites that are provide many learning opportunities, especially for students studying English language.
I have included a rating system for each resource on a 1-4 star scale, a brief description, a brief impression, a url link, as well as a screen shot for each website. Enjoy!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Digital Dialects

Digital Dialects ★★

Divided into three main pages, this website is dedicated to English language learners. The first and most robust page contains games. Subjects and themes for games are: numbers 1-12, numbers 13-20, numbers 10-100, colors, fruit & vegetables, vocabulary, food, animals, verbs, and clothing. All of the games, except for the numbers, have audio file examples for students to hear pronunciation. The games are flash based, so they do no require a download to access. Games provide mini-lessons of material, a silent version of the game, and then a version with audio. This website has versions in Japanese and French. The second page of the website is a “bookshop” with links to buy six different texts aimed at teachers of English language learners. The last page is a simple alphabet visual resource that gives an audio example of pronunciation when a user clicks on a letter.

The flash component of this site is great. As long as you have flash loaded on the computer, this site will work. This is a great online resource and a way for students to interact with a game to make learning fun. Some of the games flash a big “WRONG” however if an incorrect answer is chosen--which could be accomplished with a little more tact. The math games provide the correct answer and the logic behind it, although it would be better if it provided a second chance first. This site appears to be British influenced as the bookshop refers to an amazon.uk site for purchases and some of the pronunciations appear to have a British/Australian/Irish lilt to them. The alphabet page is a little basic; however, it would serve to be a great smart board backdrop for students learning the alphabet.

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